Customer Service

Blue Light Basics

You know that blue light emanates from both the sun outdoors and digital devices indoors. The problem, however, is that most patients still don’t understand the… more

Keeping Kids’ Eyes Safe from Chemical Burns

The frequency of visits to emergency rooms due to ocular chemical burns among kids is on the rise. Here are 9 things you need to share… more

Controlling Myopia in Kids

Workshops at FDA headquarters this month are addressing ways to stem the tide of myopia in kids. Also known as nearsightedness, this visual defect occurs when… more

Disabilities & Store Design

Nearly 20 percent of the U.S. population has some sort of disability that requires accommodations in retail locations. Add to that the fact that more than… more

Ways to reach out to your community

This is the time of year that local organizations formalize plans for regional summertime events. It’s also time for you to firm up your own seasonal… more