Perfect Vision. Personal Touch
That’s what Shamir’s Driver Intelligence™ Moon lenses are all about. Designed for night driving and low light situations, the lenses will, as Shamir says, help “you reclaim the night” and make driving after dark safer.
Like it or not, switching back and forth for daylight saving time seems here to stay. For most Americans, this means that until early March, they’ll likely be doing more low-light driving.
It’s certainly a controversial subject, though, as a Monmouth University poll revealed that only about a third (35%) of Americans like changing the clocks during the year.
Tip: Shamir’s Driver Intelligence™ Moon lenses increase both safety and driver confidence on the road after dark.
For now, we’ll keep changing the clocks between daylight savings and standard time. As reported by Shamir, this switch to standard time presents wintertime driving challenges at night that include:
• Eye fatigue, as reported by 1 in 5 drivers
• Difficulty focusing quickly between distances, as indicated by 1 in 4 drivers
• A variety of nighttime driving concerns reported by 48% of drivers
Most of us have been back on standard time since Nov. 3, and that translates into an extra hour of darkness. Shamir saw a need and invites consumers to say goodbye to nighttime driving worries by welcoming the additional hour of nighttime with Shamir’s Driver Intelligence Moon lenses. Designed to increase both safety and driver confidence on the road after dark, these lenses are a real game changer.
Driver Intelligence Moon lenses feature a visual, age-based myopic shift for improved low-light sharpness.
The result of that shift? The lenses:
• Cut down on visual noise
• Reduce eye fatigue
• Decrease reaction times
• Provide exceptionally wide visual fields
• Yield very clear visual fields
• Enhance color contrast
All these features combine to yield one big benefit: enhanced performance on the road in low-light and nighttime driving conditions.
To learn more about how Driver Intelligence™ Moon can transform the driving experience of your patients, click here.
If you’ve already tried these innovative lenses in your practice, tell us about it and share in the conversation on Facebook here.
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