Arms too short?

Here’s a lighthearted look at presbyopia. We’re sharing it so that you can feel free to use it in a post on social media, in communications with 40-something, or even in signage at the office.

Tip: Lights too dim, arms not long enough…8 ways to see if the problem is presbyopia

40the age at which the age-related blurring, eye fatigue, and more usually begin.


8 ways to know if you need progressive lenses

Remember that darkly lit restaurant you liked? Why is the menu so tough to read now? And, text messages, what’s going on there? If you’re around age 40, chances are you know what we’re talking about.

The cause is presbyopia. And, starting at about 40, it’s a normal, if somewhat jarring, part of aging.

Want to know if you’re there yet? Here’s a lighthearted look at some of the most common symptoms.

1. Arms feel like they’re not long enough to let you read that book?

2. Are the seasons changing or does something else explain the headaches and eyestrain after reading or doing up-close work?

3. You may be working too hard, but is that really why you’re tired after working at the computer?

4. Unless your phone broke, there’s another explanation for why you can’t read texts so well anymore.

5. Somebody changed the light bulbs? Suddenly, they’re too dim for reading or playing on devices.

6. Getting wrinkles? Squinting to read will give you some.

7. There’s no cloud cover, so why are things so blurry?

8. And, finally, you wish the increasingly hard-to-read dials on the dash were under warranty.

Though it’s OK to have a little fun, we understand that presbyopia is no joke. Fortunately, the solution to helping you see better is simple. They’re called progressive lenses, and be sure to ask us about them.

Do you post the symptoms of presbyopia in your office?  What sort of messaging do you share? Tell us and join in the conversation on Facebook here.

Erinn Morgan

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