World Sight Day
This Thurs., Oct. 12, is World Sight Day. Founded by Lions Club International Foundation in 2000, it’s now coordinated by IAPB (International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness). This year’s call to action is “Make Vision Count” and is being recognized in initiatives around the world. Here are some examples of what’s being done, ways you can contribute, and how to start planning for next year’s event.
Tip: Practices can hold events in the office, as well as pledge to donate a day of fees from exams or a set amount from each frame sold.
From small practices to global groups, everyone participating in World Sight Day is working toward the same goal. As stated by Lions Club International, it’s all about “raising awareness about the importance of eye health and the need for quality eyecare and services for all.” Here are a few examples.
- LIONS. Lions clubs around the globe are conducting sight-related projects, including screenings, donation of eyeglasses and assistive devices, restorative surgeries, and education about eye health.
- OPTOMETRY GIVING SIGHT. As part of its Our Children’s Vision initiative, OGS will fund projects geared to giving sight to a million children this year, reports Juan Carlos Aragon, O.D., Global Chair of OGS and a senior vice president of CooperVision. “It’s sobering to be reminded that 700 years after glasses were invented, there are still children…suffering from severe vision loss,” says Dr. Aragon.
- ECPs. “It’s a true feel-good experience,” adds Don Matsumoto, O.D., who practices at Pacific Eyecare Center in Los Angeles. “My staff is constantly looking for ways to fundraise, and we change it up in our office all the time. A surprise is how our patients have taken to giving. They want to be part of the experience as well. It’s become a new business model.”
- PRACTICES can hold events in the office, as well as pledge to donate a day or a portion of fees from exams or a set amount from each frame sold during October.
- CONSUMERS and staff alike can be incentivized to earn goodies like green-apple-colored “people power” wristbands, team tee shirts, and more.
- ANYONE who wants to learn the latest about children’s eye health can participate in a Twitterchat with industry leaders from noon to 1 p.m. ET on the 12th. Hosted by Optometry Giving Sight, join in with the hashtags #shareforsight, #givingsight, and #ourchildrensvision.
Register as a team or a practice with Optometry Giving Sight, for example, and you’ll receive the link for ordering tee shirts, a press-ready news release and newsletter content, plus copy and images for social media. Remember this: It’s never too early to build excitement and plan for this annual event.
Does your practice take part in World Sight Day? If so, tell us how and share in the Facebook conversation here.
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