Posts Tagged ‘retail’

Summer 2018 Sunwear Trends

According to The Vision Council, there were 2.4M new sunglass wearers for the year ending in March 2017. Why? “Mostly due to the rise…among women and… more

Professional Advice … How to Be a Better Buyer

DEVELOPING BUYING SKILLS √ DUALITY. “Buying dictates you be both analytical and creative. One is always stronger, but it is key to spend time building the… more

Preventing Internal Theft

Sunglasses and frames are easy for dishonest employees to sell. To make sure your product doesn’t end up online or your money in someone else’s pocket,… more

Preventing Theft in Retail Businesses—Part II

Last week we looked at shoplifting and offered ways to curtail shrinkage from outside individuals. This week we focus on the bigger piece of the retail… more

Preventing Theft in Retail Businesses

Theft is rampant among all retail businesses and optical is no exception. Here we share a number of steps you can take to keep product, and… more