Posts Tagged ‘Trends’


From small business to pure retail, knowing the trends will help keep you ahead of the curve in the new year. That’s why we reached out… more

Fall Fashions…What’s hot, hotter and hottest

You can’t separate trends in fashionable eyewear from fashions on the runway. That’s especially true now that glasses, especially sunglasses, are becoming an integral part of… more

The Millennial Lifestyle and Health

By Sheena Taff, Optician, Roberts & Brown Opticians Millennials are the largest and most influential generation in history and are more diverse, culturally significant, and open… more

Summer Stylin’

From eyewear trends to fashions on the catwalk, we look at what’s sizzling this summer. Tip: As Vogue puts it, “Color and light are the watchwords… more

Color Me: 10 cool colors for spring

The most popular colors for Spring 2017 are bright, fun, and cheerful. To help make sure you feature that mix in your location, here are The… more