Smart Decisions in Practice

Staying competitive in the eyecare industry requires a blend of innovation, customer-centric practices, and strategic marketing. In this dynamic industry, new technologies, trends, and consumer expectations are always emerging, and eyecare professionals must adapt and maintain a distinct identity to thrive. Plus, in an era dominated by digital presence, leveraging the right marketing channels can make all the difference in staying ahead of the competition.

Tip: “I give people a package price for the best lens design, best AR, and best material (depending on their prescription, of course). I don’t à la carte any extras or give them a good-better-best spiel. I just say, ‘This is going to be price, and that includes everything you need to see the best.’” —Stacy Daniel, LDO

Here, we connected with one of Shamir’s Peer-to-Peer Champions, Stacy Daniel, LDO, owner of Frameology Optical in Syracuse, NY, to gain insight into the business moves she considers to be some of her strongest and smartest decisions—from addressing hurdles to positioning for long-term success.

What was a major challenge you faced in your practice, and how did a particular business decision help you overcome it?

STACY DANIEL: My major challenge [has been] taking no insurance, by far. There are so many challenges to overcome with that one decision.

The first one is to help educate the public that insurance is not necessarily your friend when it comes to good eyewear; when you don’t have insurance, you don’t pigeonhole yourself into one lens and frame style. You have the freedom of choice when you discuss your options with your optician. I don’t believe price is an issue if you compare premium products with or without insurance.

The other obstacle is that your name is not in any publication, so Google and word of mouth are your best friends! I overcame these obstacles by being creative, making sure every interaction was dealt with at the utmost level, and being up to date with my internet [presence].

How have you managed to stay competitive in the eyecare industry? What decision or strategy has been most effective in maintaining your edge?

SD: From day one, the best decision I made is that I give people a package price for the best lens design, best AR, and best material (depending on their prescription, of course). I don’t à la carte any extras or give them a good-better-best spiel. I just say, “This is going to be the price, and that includes everything you need to see the best.” This creates very happy customers. I rarely get someone who says, “That’s too much and I would like to see worse for a cheaper price.”

What has been your most successful marketing strategy?

SD: My most successful marketing recipe is billboards in conjunction with NPR. Those two work well together because they see it in the car and hear it at the same time. NPR listeners appreciate businesses that support [the network].

Veronica Daub

Associate Editor, Eyecare Business

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