June Sunwear Messaging

June, as the song goes, is bustin’ out all over. And so are reasons and ways to promote sunwear to your patients and in your practice via social media.

June 16 is Father’s Day. June 21 is the first day of summer. And, most important, June 27 is National Sunglasses Day. This commemorative event, sponsored by The Vision Council, is held annually to call out and celebrate the importance of year-round protection from the sun’s UV rays.


As eyecessorize.com points out, these three close-together dates are the perfect time to really up your own sunwear messaging. And social media is the perfect vehicle to do just that.

• NATIONAL SUNGLASSES DAY: One suggestion, courtesy of The Vision Council, is to encourage patients to share a #SunglassSelfie on #NationalSunglassesDay. To help, the association offers everything from countdown posts and logos to lots of additional information at the website www.nationalsunglassesday.com.

• FATHER’S DAY: What about Father’s Day? The Vision Council suggests that you “encourage your followers to celebrate the father or father-figure in their life with a special eyewear gift! Promote popular men’s frames on your social media channels and give a shout-out to all the dads on June 16th.” 

• JUNE 2: Summer officially begins, and it’s a perfect time to continue that messaging and really underscore the importance of wearing sunglasses whenever outdoors in order to protect the eyes from damaging UV.

That represents a lot of opportunity. And to further help, here’s a look at info from a recent Vision Council Vision Watch survey about what motivates consumers to purchase sunglasses (in this case plano) + why consumers say they wear sunglasses.


Here’s what the survey says motivates consumers to purchase a pair of plano sunglasses:

• 23% comfort or fit

• 22% price

• 21.5% UV or UV-protective coating

• 16% fashion trends

• 13.2% difficulty seeing outside


Participants in the research report they are most likely to wear sunglasses when they are:

• 68.6% driving

• 55.2% relaxing or spending time outdoors

• 49.1% near water

• 33% watch sports

• 29.5 participating in sports or exercising

As for product options, check out Shamir’s Attitude III® – Sport & Fashion lenses and Single Vision. To learn more, go to: https://www.shamirlens.com/products/shamir-lenses-products/item/28-shamir-attitude-iii%C2%AE-fashion

What do you find is the impetus for most sunwear purchases in your practice…driving, sports, etc.? Tell us and share in the conversation on Facebook here.

Erinn Morgan

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