Rebranding…Reflecting Today’s Needs
Shamir is dedicated to aligning with the growth initiatives of its ECPs. In response to these challenging times for those eyecare professionals, Shamir has introduced a four-pillar message reflecting its core values as well as a new rebrand.
The Pillars
Those four pillars and core values to which Shamir is dedicated are:
• A passion for innovation;
• outstanding customer service;
• flexibility in the marketplace;
• and desire to be the best, but never rest.
All four can be seen in everything Shamir does.
The resulting face of the rebrand includes its innovative corporate brand, a new S logo, which represents its four values, as well as a new tagline and identity.
Product Innovation
Technology is in Shamir’s DNA. The company’s passion for innovation is the driving force that allows it to continue to bring revolutionary products and services to market. These products mean fewer errors, low complaints, and high patient satisfaction. Simply put, Shamir never stops learning and improving so the best can be better.
Its unwavering dedication to outstanding customer service is an important part of its values, demonstrating that the needs of customers like you to grow business are a priority to Shamir. So is being nimble as well as flexibility and quick adaption to changes in the market that allow the company to proactively address business needs.
While its mission to ReCreate Perfect Vision has not changed, this modern and innovative identity truly captures the spirit of Shamir.
ECP Refresh
This is a great time for practices to consider refreshing and rebranding, too. Consumers are nervous, and it helps if patients see that you’re responding to the challenges of these changing times in visible and innovative ways.
It’s certainly happening in big business. Take Nike, for example. Its newest messaging stresses social distancing and underscores its production of face shields and other PPE equipment.
No matter what the business model, the traditional playbook is out the window. In optical, protocols are different. So are the ways—take telemedicine, for example—that patients are interacting with a practice.
Simply, put, you don’t have the same MO as you did six months ago. And, while some new-for-the-pandemic practices will subside, many more will become an ongoing part—another arm, if you will–of your operation.
Baby Steps
For example, many practices that previously viewed telemedicine as a negative now routinely schedule telehealth calls with the doctor. Such enhancements call for some rebranding and a refresh of everything from messaging and marketing to the image you represent in your community.
It’s OK to start small…a new message on your website. Freshened communications on social media. And most of all, empathy. Consumers respond to and need a sense of caring. Now is the time to show them you do, indeed, care, and are adapting your practice to reflect that sense of caring.
What have you done in your practice to reflect change, refresh, and rebrand during the pandemic? Tell us about it and share on Facebook here.
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