
Smart + focused ideas to boost your business.

3 Scripts to Help Move Patients to Freeform Single-Vision Lenses

Why should you recommend freeform single-vision lenses versus conventional single-vision lenses to your patients? In addition to a host of tangible benefits, eyecare professionals say that… more

create a facebook business page

Social Media 101: How to Create a Facebook Business Page

Ready to join the social scene but unsure where to get started? One of the most effective ways to launch social media marketing for your business… more

3 Key Premium Progressive Lens Benefits to Present

Sales of premium progressive lenses are booming. And, it’s no wonder, with the Baby Boomer generation moving quickly into their 50s, 60s, and even 70s. In… more

digital eye strain

Do Your Patients Have Digital Eye Strain?

The numbers paint the picture of our highly digital nation—an incredible nine out of ten adults (over 93%) spend more than two hours a day using… more