Lights, Camera, Action
Video. By next year, it’s forecast to represent 80% of internet traffic. The official term, video marketing, may sound off-putting, but it’s something that’s actually easy for you to create in-house and then post online. And one of the easiest messages to convey? Foggy glasses when wearing a mask. And, clear glasses when wearing a mask.
Tip: Creating a video is easy. All you need is your cell-phone camera, a subject, a little practice…and a steady hand.
The Basics
So, there’s one potential subject for your film debut. But how do you make a video happen?
Basically, you just need four things…a camera, something to focus on, a little practice, and, depending on the subject, a tripod or very steady hand.
No, you don’t need to spend a fortune. The cameras in some of today’s cell phones are, with a little practice and preparation, definitely good enough. Just turn the phone horizontally to capture full frame opposed to a vertical frame. This will help when uploading proper video scale to the online platforms.
What else? You need to learn a bit about other things like composition, etc. That’s where YouTube or training videos from cell phone companies can really help. Just google a few key words (like live streaming, cell phone video camera, videos for business, how to make a video).
Get Started
If you’ve never tried this before, start reading and then practicing. Once you get the hang of it, the goal should be to create a library of videos in the office…maybe start with the subject of fog because it’s such a hot button now, or start with something more fundamental, like a tour of the office, then short interviews with key personnel, and a look at some of your most special eyewear and sunwear. But don’t just video a frame board. That’s fine to feature, but also invite staff or better yet real customers to model some of your eyewear and talk about their experience. That’s a fun and very engaging way to bring your product to life.
It’s also just the beginning. The point is to keep adding to your video library in order to build that consumer-practice relationship on an ever-expanding basis. Once you feel comfortable with the technology, you can begin videotaping outside the office, too–at trade shows, local events, and, especially, anyplace like a health fair in which you are participating.
Great Examples
Before you begin, look around at companies whose messaging you respect. Take Shamir, for example. They have used video in a vast variety of venues. Video offerings do, in fact, take prime real estate on the company’s home page, right along with its family of products and technologies. Click onto the video button there and more than 20 video options pop up there.
With everyone wearing masks, and experiencing fogging of their glasses, the company has been quick to respond with both product (Shamir Glacier™ Anti-Fog lenses) and videos about it. Go to YouTube and you’ll see how many Shamir videos have gone up just over the last few months. Take a look and see both the mix of messaging, including the newest videos about wearing masks, as well as the various formats used in that video messaging:
and, showing how the company can turn on the proverbial dime to communicate with consumers and ECPs alike, check out its newest, “Shamir Glacier Anti-Fog: Mask on, mask off”
Don’t just take our word for it, though. Try it for yourself and share your challenges and successes on Facebook here.
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