Double Your (Driving) Pleasure

No, we’re not talking about the Doublemint gum twins, Wrigley’s classic ad campaign that ran for decades. We’re talking about the very latest driving duo: Shamir Driver Intelligence™ Moon lenses for low light as well as night driving and Shamir Driver Intelligence™ Sun for daylight driving.

Whatever the conditions, Shamir Driver Intelligence™ lenses make for an on-the-road experience that is more comfortable and visually clearer than with traditional lenses.

Tip: Share with your patients that in behind-the-wheel tests of both the Sun and Moon lenses, wearers reported an 11% increase in reaction time during the day and 15% at night.


Shamir was the first company to apply artificial intelligence (AI) to its optical designs. In fact, the pair of driver-dedicated lenses are the result of intensive research and development with big data measurements, using elements of AI, and feedback from trials conducted with everyday and professional drivers, including the BWT Alpine F1 Team.

The designs enable sharp and clear vision with less glare in all lighting conditions—Sun for day, and Moon for night and in low light—while increasing road awareness thanks to exceptionally wide and clear visual fields. Taking into account changing light, eye fatigue, and reaction time, Shamir Driver Intelligence™ Sun and Moon lenses allow for superior performance on the road. With enhanced color perception, the Sun lenses also double as great everyday sunglasses.

200 Pre-launch, Shamir analyzed consumers of all ages in 200 driving scenarios.


Pre-launch, Shamir analyzed a total of 2,086 consumers of all ages and 200 driving scenarios in 80 different types of vehicles and found that nearly half (48%) of drivers reported nighttime driving concerns. As a result of their findings, Shamir’s Driver Intelligence™ Moon lenses feature a visual, age-based myopic shift for improved low-light sharpness.

Be sure to share with your patients that in behind-the-wheel tests of both the Sun and Moon lenses, wearers reported an 11% increase in reaction time during the day and 15% at night. Wearers also reported wider visual fields (up to 33% horizontal and 18% vertical) versus what they experienced looking through a standard PAL. That’s huge—and something patients need to know.


Whether looking through Sun or Moon lenses, wearers will find the soft, low-distortion design will produce higher visual acuity and wider distance vision.

If you’ve already tried these innovative lenses in your practice (and we hope you have), tell us about them and share in the conversation on Facebook here.

Stephanie De Long

Stephanie De Long has more than 30 years of experience as a writer, editor, and speaker in the optical industry.