
Talking Technology

When it comes to explaining spectacle lenses, should you talk tech? Or is it a better bet to gloss over technical features and simply home in… more

Natural Posture

Whether working in the office or at home, or maybe just enjoying a good book, reading can be a challenge for spectacle lens wearers. Knowing where… more

Shamir website offers brand new ECP experience and resources

San Diego, CA – May 19, 2021 – As part of Shamir’s ongoing rebranding efforts, Shamir is pleased to announce the launch of their brand new… more

Say Sayonara to Foggy Lenses

With masks either mandated or recommended, depending on the circumstances, Shamir’s Glacier™ Anti-Fog with Duplex-Technology should be at the top of your list for patients. Here’s… more

Computer Vision Syndrome and Treatment Options

by Rachael Wruble Over the past year you probably have had increased screen times on computers and tablets. You may have experienced symptoms like headaches, eye… more